Our blog will help you stay in the know about data analytics, business intelligence, data warehousing, and more.
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What Our Content Looks Like
How to Install Hadoop on a Linux Virtual Machine on Windows 10
This step-by-step tutorial walks you through how to set up and use your very own Hadoop instance.
Create A File System Size Tree View Using PowerShell
Manually determining what is causing your machine to run out of disk space? Try this PowerShell code to automate a quick directory size view.
Step By Step – Chaining Jobs With SQL Server Agent
Learn how to use SQL Server Agent to chain and schedule dependent jobs together.
What’s Happening at Key2 Consulting – Q1, 2019
What’s Happening at Key2 Consulting – Q1, 2019
Location, Location, Location… Adding richness to your data using Spatial Data Types in SQL Server
Learn the basics of using geography and geometry data types in SQL Server with data from Google Maps.
Troubleshooting SharePoint 2013 Web Parts
Save some time with this quick fix to a recent SharePoint 2013 Web Parts error (“List does not exist.”) one of our client’s encountered.