Mar 14, 2017 | Business Intelligence, Data Visualization, Microsoft Power BI
By: Andy Kim Business Intelligence Consultant at Key2 Consulting If you haven’t read last week’s part 1 of this blog, you can find it here: Baby Steps: How to Create Basic Charts in Power BI Desktop. Great, you’ve created a report in...
Mar 9, 2017 | Data Visualization, Microsoft Power BI, Technical Information
By: Matt Wollner Sr. Business Intelligence Consultant at Key2 Consulting I’ve spent a lot of time talking to business owners and managers. And I’ve noticed that many of these leaders tend to use excel for their analytics needs. Furthermore,...
Feb 27, 2017 | Data Warehousing, Featured, SQL Server, Technical Information
By: Ken Adams Sr. Business Intelligence Consultant at Key2 Consulting A junk dimension is seen occasionally inside of data warehouses. This type of dimension can be thought of as a flag table, or a collection of attributes that have low-cardinality. This...
Feb 20, 2017 | SQL Server, Technical Information
Choosing the right index for Memory Optimized Tables (MOTs) In Part 1 of our investigation into In-Memory Tables, we saw how changing a Hash Index to a regular Nonclustered index of a sample database table improved the performance of our Select operation. In this...
Feb 9, 2017 | Business Intelligence, SQL Server, Technical Information
By: Paul Schuliger Business Intelligence Consultant Anyone who’s looked into a master craftsman’s toolbox knows that they keep an extensive variety of tools. So many so, that it seems only half of them are ever used. But the craftsman doesn’t...