Oct 8, 2019 | Business Intelligence, Data Encryption, Data Security
By: Paul Schuliger What is Column Level Security? Column level security (CLS) is a useful tool for limiting access to specific data elements (or database columns) through data obfuscation. Data obfuscation masks the underlying data elements to avoid...
Sep 20, 2019 | Data Security, SQL Server, Web Applications, Web Development
By: Phillip Sharpless Security, as part of many projects, is all too often an afterthought. The standing up of a new system or the development of a new project can be quite rapid and dynamic. Not pausing during this process to think about security as an...
Sep 11, 2019 | Microsoft, PowerShell, Technical Information
By: Mason Prewett We’ve written many blog articles about PowerShell and how incredibly useful the Microsoft framework can be, and this article is another example. PowerShell is a great tool for performing long running tasks. A common strategy used to...
Sep 5, 2019 | Software Development, Tales from Consulting
By: Jason E Bacani Follow @JEBacaniSQLDude Welcome to the latest addition of our “Tales from Consulting” blog series. You can read part 1 of this series here, where I talked about software development environments. In this post, we’re going to...
Aug 27, 2019 | Microsoft, Microsoft PowerApps, SharePoint, Technical Information
By: Austin Gainey Did you know you can utilize Microsoft PowerApps to customize out of the box SharePoint Online forms, which can then be used to take down corrupt secret government projects, destroy cars with telekinesis, and cut through the fabric of...