Aug 6, 2019 | SQL Server, Technical Information
By: Andy Kim Introduction The SELECT…INTO statement is an excellent tool to have in your arsenal if you’re a SQL developer. The SELECT…INTO statement: Creates a target table for you automatically, eliminating the need to manually create a table....
Jul 30, 2019 | Data Warehousing
Some data warehouse projects unfortunately don’t work out…don’t let yours be the next! Here are our top 3 reasons why data warehouse projects fail. 1) Poor Communication Between Business Units & Tech Team Great communication is not only...
Jul 18, 2019 | PowerShell, Technical Information
By: Matt Wisor PowerShell to the Rescue Carrying out server maintenance on a regular basis can be challenging, especially if users are working in the application being serviced. Applying a Visual Studio update, for example, may corrupt the application if...
Jul 8, 2019 | Data Security, Microsoft Power BI, Technical Information
By: Matt Wollner What is Row Level Security (RLS) in Power BI? Row Level Security (RLS) can be setup in Power BI to restrict data access based on the logged in. For example, perhaps you have multiple sales teams and you want each team to see sales data...
Jun 24, 2019 | Business Intelligence, SQL Server
By: Ken Adams Not Enough Space On my current engagement, we are trying to build a reporting platform that meets the needs of our client while simultaneously adhering to best practices. One of the best practices we’ve established as part of the platform is...