Mar 15, 2019 | Business Intelligence, Data Visualization, SQL Server, Tech Tips, Technical Information
By: Andy Kim Introduction If you ask a SQL professional to name some data types, you might hear: varchar, int, datetime, decimal, or something to that effect. Rarely do people mention the spatial data types of: geography and geometry. This is because most SQL...
Nov 27, 2018 | Big Data, Business Intelligence, Microsoft, SQL Server, Tech Tips, Technical Information
By: Jeff Levy SQL Server 2019 – Key Features At the 2018 Pass Summit conference in Seattle, I had the opportunity to attend many sessions about the new Big Data features being introduced in SQL Server 2019. One of Microsoft’s biggest announcements...
Nov 12, 2018 | SQL Server
By: Mason Prewett This article is Part 2 of our previous Key2 article, How to Execute and Store Transact-SQL (T-SQL) Query Results in a PowerShell Array. In this article, I will cover: Getting a SQL Server result set from a stored procedure The stored procedure has a...
Jun 26, 2018 | Microsoft, PowerShell, SharePoint, SQL Server, Tech Tips, Technical Information
By: Mason Prewett This article covers a Key2 client’s upgrade to SQL 2016 of a SQL Server Reporting Services instance in SharePoint Integrated Mode (in a SharePoint 2013 environment). You can follow the information in this article to conduct your own...
Jun 5, 2018 | Microsoft, SQL Server, SSIS, Tech Tips, Technical Information
By: Andy Kim I was at the SQL Saturday Atlanta conference last week and attended a session in which the speaker asked the audience, “Has anyone here used fuzzy grouping or fuzzy lookups in SSIS?” To my surprise, I was the only one who raised their hand....