Jan 10, 2017 | Azure, Cloud Technology, Data Warehousing, SQL Server
By: Ken Adams Have you wondered what the difference is between Azure SQL Database and Azure SQL Data Warehouse? In this post we’re going to highlight the key differences between the two Microsoft product offerings and point out what you need to know....
Dec 21, 2016 | Business Intelligence, Conferences, Microsoft, SQL Server
At the end of October, our team joined thousands of other data professionals to attend the 2016 PASS (Professional Association for SQL Server) Summit, the world’s largest conference for Business Intelligence and SQL Server professionals. Held at the Washington State...
Dec 21, 2016 | SQL Server, Technical Information
Buzz on the street lately is that a Memory Optimized Table (MOT) in SQL Server greatly enhances OLTP SELECT performance. People in the industry are saying this because an entire table can be loaded completely into SQL Server memory without the unfortunate occurrence...
Dec 21, 2016 | Business Intelligence, Data Warehousing, Featured
Are we getting the most out of our data warehouse? If you’ve ever asked yourself that question as an executive, IT manager, or business owner, you’re not alone. We know there are many Data Warehouse/Business Intelligence (DW/BI) solutions that have fallen...