Dec 5, 2019 | Business Intelligence, Microsoft Power BI
By: Mike Pierre-Louis Have you ever been in a situation at work where you need to review a really complicated report but are extremely pressed for time? I know I have, and my guess is just about everyone reading this blog post has experienced a similar...
Dec 3, 2019 | Azure, SQL Server, Technical Information
By: Phil Woubshet This exercise will demonstrate how to copy multiple tables from an on-premise SQL Server database to Azure SQL Data Warehouse. We will use a metadata table that contains the schema/table names to drive the copy process from source to...
Nov 13, 2019 | CCPA, Data Regulations, Data Security, GDPR
By: Paul Schuliger As we continue our series on data security, I want to talk about an important California “data” legislation that is going into effect on January 1, 2020. The legislation is called the California Consumer Privacy Act, or CCPA. ...
Oct 25, 2019 | Uncategorized
By: Jason E. Bacani As one of many Key2 Consulting members attending PASS Summit 2019, this year’s trip marks my fifth time going to the Emerald City for this wonderful learning and networking event. Suffice to say, I’m not a newcomer, but...
Oct 18, 2019 | Data Encryption, Data Security, Data Warehousing, healthcare, Tech Tips
By: Ken Adams Data security is a vital part of successful data warehousing and business intelligence today, and a critical step in successfully securing a data warehouse is implementing proper data security levels. From a legal perspective, related...