Jun 24, 2019 | What's Happening at Key2
By: Jason E. Bacani Happy Summer 2019! The heat is on in the greater Atlanta metro area, and Key2 Consulting has had another exciting and productive quarter here. Second quarter 2019 started off in late March with a post (written by me) that provided you...
Jun 18, 2019 | Microsoft Power BI, PowerShell
By: Mike Pierre-Louis Microsoft has made Power BI even more powerful with its latest round of updates. Whether you are an admin or a user, the software’s new benefits are for everyone to enjoy. One of the main hurdles Power BI users had to overcome...
Jun 3, 2019 | Business Intelligence, Microsoft, SQL Server
By: Paul Schuliger Over a year ago I wrote an article that discussed using the SQL Window Function ROW_NUMBER() to set up a sort order within each layer of a hierarchy, and then showed how to use that information in Power BI. I recently found...
May 20, 2019 | Tech Tips, Web design, Web Development
By: Phillip Sharpless Website Deployment Back in the Day Deploying a website was once upon a time a rather straightforward process. You simply copied or uploaded all your site’s various core files (HTML, JavaScript, etc.) and any assets they might...