Dec 5, 2019 | Business Intelligence, Microsoft Power BI
By: Mike Pierre-Louis Have you ever been in a situation at work where you need to review a really complicated report but are extremely pressed for time? I know I have, and my guess is just about everyone reading this blog post has experienced a similar...
Mar 15, 2019 | Business Intelligence, Data Visualization, SQL Server, Tech Tips, Technical Information
By: Andy Kim Introduction If you ask a SQL professional to name some data types, you might hear: varchar, int, datetime, decimal, or something to that effect. Rarely do people mention the spatial data types of: geography and geometry. This is because most SQL...
Feb 7, 2019 | Business Intelligence, Data Visualization, Microsoft, Microsoft Power BI, Tech Tips
By: Matt Wollner Power BI Desktop has been on a roll with monthly updates making it easier for users to get insight out of their data. Drag and drop visualizations are making it easier than ever to craft simple, complete dashboards. The highlighting...
Sep 10, 2018 | Fantasy Football, Microsoft, Microsoft Power BI, Tech Tips, Technical Information
By: Matt Wollner KICKOFF! Fantasy football season is back, and if you’ve done any research at all, you’ve probably noticed that the number of websites offering player projections is endless. You – if you’re like most people – probably have a site...
Jul 24, 2018 | Application Development, Business Intelligence, Tech Tips
By: Jeff Levy Introduction In today’s world, REST APIs are a common way to exchange data across IT systems. This article will demonstrate how to view a sample REST API response from Uber, the peer-to-peer ride-sharing company. The API response...